Barbarian DPS Guide for Mod 22
Author: Andiemus@reeper#9973
Last update: 17/03/2022 “I will only be updating when there are major changes buff/nerfs to the Barbarian class. This isn’t a copy and paste build.”

A guide for Barbies
I would like to start by mentioning the great GWF’s of the past: Queen Lia Knowless, Unforgiven/Northside and WickedDuck. You guys took the time to write guides and provide us with builds and the necessary information to become better GWF’s. Your contributions have been invaluable to us, for this I thank you!
With the introduction of Mod 16 everything we knew and loved about GWF’s changed and was replaced with the “Barbarian”. Our damage was low compared to other DPS classes and later we learned why. It seems that the way the Damage Formula worked was different for some classes. With the release of Mod 17 Barbarians had to adapt and turn into a Tank class to be able to run TOMM “Tower of the Mad Mage”, because our damage was not enough to be viable. With the updated Damage Formula, released 10/10/2019, DPS Barbarians still didn’t get invites to TOMM farming groups. Wizards, Rangers and Rogues still produced more damage, but the gap was much smaller than it used to be. Then Mod 18 came along and Clerics took the top DPS spot, leaving all other far behind. Mod 19 was released and finally the Barbarian was a force to be reckoned with again.
This guide was originally intended to help make DPS Barbarians viable again. Now it will help you guys maximize your damage in dungeons and trials. If anything is unclear or if you simply want to discuss the guide please feel free to contact me either in-game or on Discord (Andiemus#0752)
Some information about myself: I was fortunate enough to be part of the Mod 17, 19 and 22 beta testing groups on the Owlbear server. I have been running TOMM, Master Zariel and Crown of Keldegonn “Master” with 7 different classes, sorry I don’t play a Warlock or Bard. I have spent a lot of time doing testing on both Preview and Live. Barbarian has been my main character for close to 7 years now. I do not know everything or have all the answers, but I try to learn as the game changes, luckily I know some clever individuals. Be sure to check these out:
Understanding how to improve your DPS
I liked the previous system of Stats and Counter stats. It made perfect sense to me, but for some it didn’t. We now have a new Stat system which I will try to explain a bit and also how it impacts a DPS character. I won’t go into details about how the damage formula work, but basically there are a few things we need to keep in mind if we want to do decent damage. Higher Item Level does improve damage as everybody knows, more buffs does this also and so does your stats. Using the damage calculator link above really helps a lot by showing which of those 3 sources will increase your damage the most. Reaching the perfect balance between high Item Level, lots of buffs and good stats is what we aim for. Since there isn’t a number on optimal Item Level or amount of buffs, I’ll explain the optimal Stats.
Stats are split up in 2, in other words we can get stat rating from certain sources like enchantments and we can get the % from other sources like companions. If we have 75000 Item Level, we can get 50% of a stat by reaching 75000 rating. Your rating will turn green when reaching this, if you have more than 76000 it will turn orange. So in other words, by having your ratings equal to your Item level will cap it at 50% and it will turn green while 1000 stats points more than your Item Level the rating will show orange. Any stat rating that is more than your Item Level has no effect. Ideally we want to reach 90% on our stats, so we use other sources that gives % gains. Prioritizing certain stats also gives more benefit because of the way they work. Power and Combat Advantage gives the biggest benefit and should be your focus to reach 90% or as close as possible. Critical Strike and Critical Severity gives a slightly smaller benefit, but still bigger than Accuracy. Only the Accuracy Rating is important for Barbarians, but that I will explain a bit later.
Choosing a Race
My pick would be the Gith. Here are some of the reasons why as well as other alternatives if you don’t have it unlocked:
Gith – You gain 5% Combat Advantage. You regenerate Stamina 5% faster.
Attribute choice: +2 DEX and +2 STR or INT
Other good alternatives:
Metallic Dragonborn – You gain 3% Critical strike and 3% Power . You receive 3% more healing from all spells and abilities. Your maximum Hit Points are increased by 3%.
Attribute choice: +2 on 2 attributes
Dragonborn – You gain 3 Critical strike and 3% Power. You receive 5% more healing from all spells and abilities.
Attribute choice: +2 on 2 attributes
Tiefling – You deal an additional 5% damage to targets below 50% health. Whenever you are hit, you have a 10% chance to lower the damage of the attacker by 2.5% for 5 seconds.
Attribute choice: +2 CHA and +2 CON or INT
Ability Scores
There are only 3 real options here:
For every 4 points of STR you get 1% Physical damage boost and for every 2 points you get 1% Stamina Regen.
For every 2 points of DEX you get 1% Crit Sev and for every 4 points you get 1% Movement Speed.
For every 2 points of CHA you get 1% Forte and for every 4 points you get 1% Recharge Speed
Boss Fights:

Crown of Keldegonn build with Batiri + Minsc + Neverwinter Knight:

Crown of Keldegonn build with Batiri + Minsc

Some equipment pieces have damage bonuses on them these days, some of these bonuses stack while others don’t. Here is a short summary of the bonuses that stacks:
Swordman’s Perk: +3% damage buff for Melee Powers: stacks only twice
Sniper’s Perk: +3% damage buff for Ranged Powers: stacks only twice
There are a lot choices for equipment these days. Higher Item Level plays a factor, but some of the older gear are still much better because of their bonusses. I’ll just briefly mention my top picks:
Goristro’s Horns: +10% Critical Strike – Needs time to stack up to 10
Alliance Soldier’s Helmet: +7.5% Accuracy – Stamina needs to be over 75% “Don’t waste Stamina!”
Bone Devil’s Ribcage: +12.5% Critical Strike, +12.5% Critical Severity
Alliance Soldier’s Cuirass: +7500 Power when in party of 5
Order Mercenary’s Breastplate: +7500 Power when in party of 5
Midnight Cuirass: +3% damage when attacking from behind
Wristguards of Precipitation: +375 Power on every attack. Stacks 20 times and drops off 10 seconds after reaching 20 stacks. By using Bloodletter we damage ourselves and take away one of those stacks, thus refreshing the timer. This allows a good uptime for the buff
Spiked Defender Vambrace: +5% Damage. We use Bloodletter to damage ourselves and active the 5% damage buff. This allows a good uptime for the buff
Lion Guard Raid/Ward Vambraces: +250 Power on every attack. Stacks 20 times and drops off after 10 seconds
Templar of the Twilight’s Bracers: +3% damage buff for Encounters
Sentinel of the Star’s Bracers: +3% damage buff for At-Wills
Weapon set
Choosing a weapon set can be tricky. Some sets perform better on different scenarios.
Scalebreaker’s Wrath Set: After using 6 encounters or daily you 7.5% Outgoing Damage for 30 seconds. Also some Recharge Speed and Action Points when using encounters while busy stacking your Scalebreaker’s Ire. When entering a boss fight I animation cancel casting Frenzy to get some of those stacks before even attacking the boss.

Mirage Set: Summons 3 copies of yourself for 10 seconds with 30 second cooldown
Celestial Set: After using 5 encounters or daily you get +7.5% Outgoing Damage for 30 seconds. When entering a boss fight I animation cancel casting Frenzy to get some of those stacks before even attacking the boss.
Lionheart Set: Increases damage dealt and outgoing healing by up to 7.5% whenever your stamina is full. Effect decreases as stamina decreases. Decreases damage received by up to 7.5% whenever your stamina is empty. Effect decreases as Stamina increases
Set of the Watcher: At the start of combat your Power, Critical Severity, Critical Strike and Defense is increased by 1%. For every 5 seconds your are in combat, these increase by 1%. “Max 5% increase”
Masterwork Set: +2% Outgoing Damage, Outgoing Healing and -2% Incoming Damage for each party member that has Masterwork weapons. 10% on those bonusses with a full party using them
Primal Weapons should be on this list because of the 10% buff to damage they give, but sadly they aren’t available anymore
Wasteland Wanderers: +5% Combat Advantage
Forest Guardian’s Raid/Ward Greaves: +7500 Combat Advantage when stamina over 75%
Rusted Iron Leggings: +5% damage buff, -25% Incoming Healing
Primal Raid/Assault Lapulapus: +3% Action points for each enemy killed
Heart’s Twine: Part of the set Demogorgon’s Wrath
Mythallar Shard: Part of the set Mythallar
Starshard Choker: Part of the set Star
Band of Air: 10% chance to do extra damage on attacks. This ring never gets swapped out. “Took me over 500 completions for VOS HC to make this ring”
Choosing the second ring depends on a few things like types of enemies or stats needed. Here are a few options:
The Queen’s Golden Opal Ring: +3% Melee Damage buff
The Red Eye’s Glare: +5% Power, +2.5% Accuracy
Red Eye’s Stare: +10% damage buff vs Undead
The Queen’s Silver Leafed Ring: +10% damage buff vs Constructs
The Sky’s Peaking Light: +5500 Accuracy
Striking Ring of the Veteran/Master: +3% Melee Damage buff “If you cannot run Vault of the Stars yet, i suggest using 2x these rings”
Sinuous Chord: Part of the set Demogorgon’s Wrath
Mythallar Piece: Part of the set Mythallar
Twinkle of the Star: Part of the set Star
Corroded Shirt of the Dragon Cult: +5% Combat Advantage
Upper Pact Brands of the Blaze Bond / Upper Pact Brands of the Inferno: +5000 Power when Stamina is over 75%
Ebony Stained Shirt: +3% damage buff when Stamina is over 75%
The Ebony Shirt has different versions, with different combinations of stats which might help with stat balancing.
Shirts from Vault of the Stars Hardcore 3rd Mini Boss with 1525 Item Level are another option. They have a 10% chance to reduce your cooldowns by 1 second every 5 seconds whenever your powers does a critical strike.
Pants / Trousers
Velvet Trousers/Pants +1: +690 Accuracy, +1035 Critical Strike or Combat Advantage and a 10% chance to gain 25 Action Points on a critical hit. 5 second internal cooldown
I’m using these purely for the Offensive stats. I won’t be providing any alternatives for this reason.
Primary Artifacts
Envenomed Storyteller’s Journal:
+5% damage buff
20 Action Points per second for 16 seconds “tooltip says 15 seconds”
It also stuns mobs for 4 seconds.
Decanter of Atropal Essence:
Up to 10% damage buff for roughly 30 seconds, sometimes even longer
Soul Sight Crystal: +25% damage buff against a single target for 10 seconds
Secondary Artifacts
There are a lot of options for secondary artifact, again I will mention my picks and some alternatives
Demogorgon’s Reach:
This is needed to complete the Demogorgon’s Wrath set. +5% damage buff
Choose 2 of the following to complete your artifacts:
Frozen Storyteller’s Journal
Flayed Storyteller’s Journal
Darkened Storyteller’s Journal
I use the Storyteller’s Journals because of the wonderful multiple set bonuses they currently have.
Alternatives Artifact sets:
Mythallar Fragment:
This is needed to complete the Mythallar set. This set is only good on boss fights since its an extra hit on Combat Advantage hits. Using it with the Band of Air makes is almost or maybe even better than the Demogorgon’s Set.
Sparkling Fey Emblem:
This is needed to complete the Star set. Still a very good artifact set if you cannot get the other 2 options.
Alternative Secondary Artifacts:
Neverwinter’s Standard
Jewel of the North
There are too many options to mention all, I’m mentioning these since they have 1200 Item Level compared to others with 600.
Relentless slash is our only AOE at-will that we can use for clearing mobs. It also applies a 5% damage buff, active for 12 seconds.
Relentless Slash has a two fold attack mechanic, each dealing 55 magnitude damage with an “Avatar” doing the second hit. This makes killing mobs extremely light work when in battlerage.
“Avatar” – The mirror image of your character that spawns on the other side of your target.
Brash Strike has been buffed a few times since its release in Mod 16 to the point that it’s the only viable option for single target fights. Every hit does 140 magnitude damage.
For Mobs:
Mighty Leap has a magnitude of 325. The feat Mightier Leap increases that to 780. “Tool tip is bugged” How to use this will be discussed under Rotations, a bit further down.
Not so Fast has a magnitude of 235 and slows enemies for 6 seconds. This is used to proc Trample of the Fallen, which will give both the 5% for 10 seconds and 10% for 6 seconds buffs.
Bloodletter has a magnitude of 520. The feat Bloodspiller increases that to 920. This is our second hardest hitting encounter and should never leave your bar.
For Bosses:
Punishing Charge has a magnitude of 650 and procs Trample of the Fallen. It also helps closing the gap between you and your target.
Frenzy has a magnitude of 1275. This is your hardest hitting encounter. The cooldown has been reduced even further with mod 19, so now everybody has finally seen the light and started using this skill.
Bloodletter has a magnitude of 520. The feat Bloodspiller increases that to 920. This is our second hardest hitting encounter and should never leave your bar. Yes, it does a little damage to yourself, but you can always blame the healer for not keeping your Hit Points full all the time.
Alternative to Punishing Charge:
Indomitable Strike has a magnitude of 750 and a shorter cooldown than the other hard hitting encounters. DO NOT use the Indomitable Rage feat that increases it to 1050. The reason for that is, your rage has to be full to hit with 1050 magnitude. There is also a bug currently with feat explained under the “Feats” section.
Avalanche of Steel + the feat Steel Slam might be the most amazing Daily ever! It’s a must have for Mob fights.
For Boss fights I prefer Savage Advance over Crescendo. Crescendo channels for three seconds while doing a multi-hit combo. Savage Advance has a one second cast time with one big hit.
Class Features
Trample of the Fallen has two different damage buffs. The first part gives a 5% buff for 10 seconds after casting a Control Power, like “Not so Fast” “Punishing Charge” “Roar” “Savage Advance” “Crescendo” “Avalanche of Steel”. The second part gives a 10% buff while the target is controlled. That means on Mobs and Bosses that are controllable you could have a total of 15% damage buff for however long the control effect is active. Sadly, the second part of the buff does not work on Control immune targets, basically most of the bosses we face. The Swarm Mount Power however does put a slow effect on bosses which allows the 10% damage bonus to work during Artifact calls.
Steel Blitz does between 5 – 6% of my total damage.
Using any other Class Features will surely cause the bosses to die of old age.
Mightier Leap upgrades Mighty Leap to a Mob killer. From 250 magnitude to 780. Mobs just melt when using this correctly.
Since mobs die so quickly and we do not use Not so Fast on Bosses, we do not need the feat Relentless Speed.
Bloodspiller upgrades Bloodletter from 520 magnitude to 920 and reduces the cooldown by 3 seconds. Also it causes Bloodletter to do damage to yourself equal to 20% of the hit mitigated by your Defensive stats.
Indomitable Rage actually increases the magnitude by up to 400, but it also decreases the base damage of IBS to 650 from 750, another bug sadly. So max damage is 1050 in the end in both ways.
Overpenetration gives you a 5% Damage buff when your Power and Accuracy Rating is capped. This means if you have 75000 Item Level, the buff will be active when you have more than 75000 Power and Accuracy. This buff seems to be only working for At-Wills, Encounters and Daily powers.
Choosing Brutal Critical increases Rage by 2 for every critical attack. This option isn’t terrible if you simply cannot get your Power/Accuracy ratings capped. It does actually increase rage on the rage bar, but its only visual and it doesn’t actually extend the duration. So it only works out of Battlerage.
Steel Slam upgrades Avalanche of Steel to probably the best AOE daily and certainly the best looking in my opinion. This is not 250 magnitude dot, its 325 magnitude and during 12 sec duration it procs 5 times, making this feat 1625 magnitude AOE dot damage plus 900 magnitude from daily itself. When timed correctly you’ll be like the Mafia and just make all the mobs disappear. “Get Marduk to read this in his Italian accent”
Unstoppable Spin has no use since nobody should be using Spinning Strike.
Relentless Battlerage helps you build Rage twice as fast, but Battlerage only increases damage by 14% instead of 20%. Rage builds really slow without this feat, it’s still not lightning speed with the feat but a lot faster. Maybe someday we won’t need to select this feat at all, but surely we aren’t selecting Escalating Rage. Who wants to be stunned for 3 seconds, waiting for all those red areas to kill you?
When running up to a group of Mobs, identifying if they have any control abilities such as interrupt, stun or knock back is very important. If you aren’t sure rather play it safe and assume they can, for this I would recommend starting the fight this way:
Mobs that could possibly control you:
Use Mighty Leap and aim for a safe spot, be sure not to hit any targets. This procs your Mightier Leap Feat, increasing the next jump to 780 magnitude. Try aiming this to hit as many mobs as possible. If there are mobs that survived, use Not so Fast to proc the 15% buff from Trample of the Fallen. Spam Relentless Slash and activate Battlerage while still spamming Relentless Slash. If any mobs still survive, use Not so Fast when it comes off cooldown for the 15% buff while still spamming Relentless Slash.
If you know the dungeon well and know the next group of mobs does not have control abilities, I recommend starting the fight this way:
Mobs that cannot control you:
Use Mighty Leap and aim for a safe spot, be sure not to hit any targets. This procs your Mightier Leap Feat, increasing the next jump to 780 magnitude. Run into the middle of the mobs, Use Relentless Slash for the 5% buff, followed up by Not so Fast for the 15% buff and then use your second Mighty Leap and aim it on the same spot you are standing. This should melt away almost any group of mobs. Spam Relentless Slash and activate Battlerage while still spamming Relentless Slash. If any mobs still survive, use Not so Fast when it comes off cooldown for the 15% buff while still spamming Relentless Slash.
For both situations: Use Bloodletter to finish off any surviving mobs. Usually there is at least one elite mob that might be too stubborn to accept defeat.
When starting a Boss fight, always wait for the tank to grab aggro and position the boss. Never stand on the tank’s side. Sometimes they turn him around, other times you have to run to get behind the Boss. You want to fight the boss while having someone on the opposite side of him, this way you gain Combat Advantage which is very important.
So you start with a Relentless Slash for the 5% buff, followed up by Punishing Charge, Frenzy and Bloodletter. This will put your Rage high enough to activate Battlerage. I basically use those encounters to gain Rage because using At Wills takes too long to gain Rage. When activating Battlerage you want to spam Brash Strike until Battlerage runs out. Remember to use Relentless Slash once every 12 seconds. Bloodletter can be used while Battlerage is active because of its low cooldown, but not when its about to run out. Then rather wait and use all the encounters again to build Rage.
For an “artifact call” in a Trial or Dungeon it’s important to have your encounters off cooldown and ready. Everybody is usually assigned a debuff artifact, so when the call comes I do the following:
Use artifact, Relentless Slash, Punishing Charge, Frenzy, Bloodletter, activate Battlerage, start using Brash Strike and use Savage Advance + Toad/Tunnel Vision. Continute spamming Brash Strike until Battlerage has run out. Start with the rotation again as explained above.
Boons doesn’t make a big difference most of the time, but since we have them we might as well use them wisely.

Running dungeons, using the Revive sickness boon is the best option.
The Mount Speed Bonus boon is really nice for just general play and questing.
Boss Fights

Since Batiri is only good vs Bosses, be sure to swap it out for something else on Mob fights.
Summoned Companion
Since Summoned companions have been getting nerfs like Xuna, Cold Iron Warrior and Air Archon the Augments have been the better option since the major boost in stats they give. Some Summoned companions can still be better than Augments in certain scenarios, but it comes down to how much damage they do vs the damage increase you get from the stats gained by using an Augment.
Owlbear Cub – Augment Enhancement: 2250 Accuracy/Combat Advantage/Critical Severity
The Owlbear Cub is the only available Augment that has 3x Offensive stat Enhancements. Augment Enhancement are extra stats that Augment companions have.
Enhancement Power
Acute Sense has a chance to increase your Combat Advantage with 7.5% for 15 seconds.
Player Bonuses
Selecting companions for these 5 slots all comes down to what bonus or stat they give. Some bonusses are superior to stats depending on how much bonusses you already have since they are an additive bonus.
My top picks:
Batiri: 11% damage buff against Bosses
Minsc: 5.6% – 8.6% damage buff “This bonus works on enemies with 3 star and above”
Neverwinter Knight: 7.5% damage buff
Golden Cat: 7.5% Combat Advantage
Staldorf: 7.5% Combat Advantage
Phase Spider: 3.8% Combat Advantage, 3.8% Critical Strike
Alchemist Experimenter: 3.8% Combat Advantage, 3.8% Critical Strike
All stats shown are at Mythic quality.
Companion Gear

These are my personal choices, but it all depends on which stats you need to get them balanced.
Equip Power

This is used to proc the Band of Air more frequently. Seeing as I dont need any more stat ratings…
Combat Power

There are a few different powers like this with the same 3000 Magnitude hit on a single target: Giant Toad Tongue Lash, Tunnel Vision, Golden Touch
Insignia Bonuses

I recommend using Dominance, Brutality and Skill insignias.
Artificer’s Persuasion:
Reduces cooldowns by 2 seconds after using an Artifact.
Gladiator’s Guile:
I feel the NEED………………………………………………………………………… For SPEED !
Who doesn’t like being fast?
I’m using 2x Gladiator’s Guile so that I don’t have to spend stamina all the time getting out of red areas and back to the fight.
Combatant’s Maneuver:
Adds 2500 Combat Advantage, should help to reach some of the high stat caps. Unfortunately some of my Control Powers does not proc this bonus against some bosses. This might have been fixed, bugged again… I cant keep track.
Assassin’s Covenant:
Decrease Defensive stats by 1000 and increases Offensive stats by 1000
Using multiple Insignia bonusses does stack, but with 50% less with every stack. Artificer’s Persuasion does not stack.
I’m using the following:
Sturdy Barbed Collar: At-will Powers do more damage
Wayfaring Barbed Collar: Critical Severity is increased
Unified Crescent Collar: Movement Speed is increased
Supportive Crescent Collar: Stamina Gain is increased
Practical Regal Collar: Rough Astral Diamond Drops are increased

Combat Enchantment
Poisoned Thorn enchant seems to be the best since there aren’t many to choose from. It does about 3% of my total damage.
Offense slots
These all depend on which stats you need
Defense slot
Amethyst enchansments would be the best in my opinion to boost your Awareness stat.
Utility slot
Garnet enchantments add Forte. I believe there are no real other choices here.
Bonus slot
Recharge bonus or Movement bonus would be my choices here.
Overload slots
Rage of Flames:
+5% damage buff
Devil’s Precision:
+5% Critical Strike, +5% Accuracy
Corrupt Black Ice/Lethal/Piercing:
Chance to give 800 Power/Critical Strike/Critical Severity and 1.25% AP gain for 8 seconds. Different ones does stack
Undread/Dragon Slayer Overloads from the Stronghold are great when doing Crown of Keldegonn. +5%/10% Damage vs Undead/Dragon type enemies.
For consumables you want to buff your stats as much as possible. You are only allowed to use one of each of the following groups:
- Elixirs
- Potions
- Event Food
- Stronghold Food – Sadly nerfed into the ground and not very useful these days except maybe 1
These are my choices:
Sunlord’s Gift Elixir grants 2000 Accuracy and 5% Combat Advantage
Crafter Potion of Accuracy Rank 4, +1 grants 3600 Accuracy
Watermelon Sorbet grants 10% Power and Accuracy
Sambocade grants 1429 HP + 5% Movement Speed
There are many different Elixirs, Potions and Event foods to choose from. You need to figure out which stats you need from them to reach 90% in a certain stat or get as close as possible.
Event foods does not persist through death.
I would like to thank the Academy, err wait this ain’t the Oscars…
There are a few I would like to thank:
- My South African group of guys putting up with my dry sense of humor.
- Puggernaut err i mean Juggernaut for proofreading and supplying some extra info about some game “features”. Also for always being available to chat and discuss Barbarian stuff.
- Janne for making a few suggestions and for hosting this guide on her website.
- Everybody for taking the time to read it all the way. Hopefully the guide ended better than Game of Thrones: Arya went West, Drogon went East, Jon went North and the writing went South…
Oh it’s my guild alliance
Small feedback about the website: It’s soo slow! its maxing my cpu everytime i want to check something in this guide
as for the guide, thank you so much! it really helped alot coming back to this game. Some of the sections like “HEAD” section is not synced with the image posted about your gear. is that to be updated ? also could you please tell us the location that drops every gear? the neverwinter wiki is not helpful at all
I’m experiencing the same slow performance. I’ll speak to Janne about it, since it’s her website.
I’m still updating the guide piece by piece when I have time, as explained at the very top. That’s why the images aren’t matched up with the guide.
For the gear drop locations we might need our own wiki, better to search for my friend Northside’s youtube page. He makes a lot of videos about gear and drop locations. He even made a video about this guide of mine, while we did a 3x DPS Barbarian IC run.
I didn’t experience the CPU issue but I did see an abnormal event polling from a scrolling plugin. Please tell me if that fixed your issue.
Yes now the problem is fixed! thank you
and @Andiemus please make your own wiki <3 I will be checking the youtube channel that you gave me
I just discovered your website Oo Its incredible, you share all the best advices I ever looked for or even found on the net. So thank you very much !
I’m glad I could help.
Hey guys! Sorry for not starting the update sooner, real life is keeping me really busy. I have updated the important part of the guide, about the stuff that has changed, which is the single target rotation. I will update the rest as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Hello there, thank you for you helpful ideas. I was curious though- how would you get to over 300k power? I have maxed everything and can’t come close to that.
I cant give all my secrets 🙂 But, if you use all power buffs and potions you should get close.
What comp gear u use , i see 2 different, and i almost have same gear like u and cant stats cap like u
There are many companion gear choices, at the end of the day it all comes down to what stats you need. I’ll show my current setup as soon as I update the guide for mod 19.
On the edge of my seat for your thoughts on mod 19 build ! Lol
I’ve always played a gwf and was in a bad place when tomm first came out , couldn’t get in any groups etc . I found this build back then and it helped me out more then you could know . Feels amazing to be back at top of the board for zariel lol. Hope to see your update soon and thank you again !
I thought I was doing OK with 200k power until I saw you 300k… I can’t beginning to understand how to get there… Gonna read it carefully
That is his potted stats (with buffs and consumables)
How is focused retaliation reflecting more damage than bloodlust is doing as a dps? Is it a tomm thing?
100% reflect dmg but you need take damage)))
In TOMM and IC we are taking lots of damage during the boss fights. Focused Retaliation does about 3% of our damage vs Bloodlust that does only 1-2%.
I will be updating the guide for Mod 19 soon.
how far with this are u 😀
I will be doing the update after Mod 19 launches, since there can still be changes that are not on preview.
what about deepcrow (veloci) vs batiri for TOMM? 220+ power
I do not understand your question.
8000/10000 power vs 4% batiri for ToMM? 220000+ power
Seeing that this is a guide and not a just a build, I’m not just telling people to use what I use. I give them the choices of what is good options and why. The answer to your question is in Janne’s website and depends on your gear and stats. I can tell you the difference between the raptor and batiri is marginal.
I just didn’t want to update Batiri to check it myself
If you say, marginal, I believe you
Hey, can u show a pic of ur secondary stats like comp influence,crit sev and etc. Also how do i increase companion influence other than boons?
Dark enchantments on utility slots. And off-Hand weapon’s artifact modifications.
utility slots already got tacticals because of rusted irons, offhand mod is in crit sev, and i really need that too. So only other options are boons and dominance insignias i guess
Hi, Companion influence doesn’t give a lot of stats right now. So I wouldn’t advise to invest into it. Tacticals are the way to go for Utility slots.
“Our damage was low compared to other DPS classes and later we learned why. It seems that the way the Damage Formula worked was different for some classes.” Can you explain in more detail? How is it different? And why is it different? Are there any patch notes or offical notes on this? Why our class is always subject to circumcision 🙂 “Wizards, Rangers and Rogues can still produce more damage, but the gap is much smaller than it used to be.” I just finished an infernal citadel run as dps, the other 2 were both cws. Paingiver did 160m… Read more »
When developing Mod 16 there was some classes which had their buffs multiplicative and some classes with additive buffs. This was changed as I said and “yes” its in patch notes.
If you only did 90 mil damage in an entire IC run, you must have done something wrong. Practice the rotations as explained, you should be top DPS in IC or close.
I have to bow in Honor to this guide.
Still i have one question repeating the one from earlier. Singe barkshield and spike vembrance doesnt work together which armor enchantment or hands gear do you use?
As I dont like telling ppl what they should use, rather give them the tools to decide for themselves, I will answer what I use. Lionguard Arms + Barkshield, since it helps me stay alive. Spiked Vambraces should be used with Bloodtheft imo.
Hi, Thanks for the awasome guide!
Do you have youtube channel? I would like see you in action.
other question, how can I know my base power?
Hi, thanks.
The only thing on my youtube channel is my wedding video 🙂
But, i was on one of Northside’s video with him to show more ppl my guide. We did a 3x Barbie IC run also, which you can watch.
Base power should be your power standing out of combat, but this is not always the case. Some power buffs counts as base power and some don’t. So I can’t answer your question.
Ty, for answer!
I watched that video, it was because of it that I was more curious to watch it on your screen.
I’m waiting for the mod 19 build. and rotations update.
Ty for share!
Hey man, how much better/worth is the vile set, than de demo? thanks, GREAT guide.
Hi, there isn’t that big of a damage difference between the sets. We’re talking about 1 or 2%
In the build you say that owlbear is 2-3% of your damage. At 185000 base power alpha compy give around 4.2% damage is it safe to say that alpha compy gives a 1-2% more damage buff. The reason I’m asking is because alpha compy is around 13mil in ah. Is it worth it if it is only a 1-2% buff
Thx for the build btw
I dont believe paying 13mil AD is worth it for a small gain, but once you reach endgame all the upgrades give small increases and most of them costs millions. Buying a 10K power mount is another example, 5K more power from the epic version is about 1.5% damage increase and it costs millions. Swarm/Tenser’s another example…
If you only have 13mil AD, it’s a real hard choice. If you have like 50mil AD and want to be one of the best, then “Yes” you want to buy it.
hello, epic mount for barbarian blademaster? what do you think? Manticore?
Hi. First of all thank you for this excellent, thorough, and very helpful guide. One question, if you were “crazy” enough to choose a human for a dps barbarian, instead of the recommended races, where you would you put your 3 attribute points? Starts with 18 str/14 dex, would you go 18 str/17 dex or 21 str/14 dex? I went for 18 str/17 dex. I know that the difference is minimal but i was just wondering what do you think is the better choice based on your experience and knowledge? Some feedback on lessons learned from this guide, i have… Read more »
Definitely put those points on str
Hi, yes STR would be the best option.
Hey so barkshield keeps ur spikes from procing what would u recommend to keep the damage out and up at the same time?
Thanks heaps for this as a newbie it is much appreciated
I use your guide a lot but, as a new player it would be nice to know the location of the items you recommend.
Hit Ctrl-J and you’ll see every location.
Yes please!
Great Build. I just have a few questions. 1) In terms of Power, Is there any point when it would make sense using the Owlbear cub over the Alpha Compy? I find that I sometimes out dps others who have what I think it alot more power than me. E.g 20k more power. I assume this may be because I use the Owlbear and they use the compy. 2) In terms of power vs % damage. How does the spiked arm gear compare to the lion arm gear. And how does the rusty boots compare to the Lion Boots? (I… Read more »
Hi, the way the Alpha Compy works will make it better than the Owlbear Cub in any circumstance except maybe in scaled content which I cannot comment on. For power vs %damage you should be using to get the exact numbers. Spiked arms has 5% damage increase which can have close to 100% uptime, when barkshield doesn’t block the hit. Primal gloves and Lionguard gloves both give roughly between 2 and 2.5% increased damage. The Lionguard Boots doesn’t give much to consider.
Icosohedron or bullt pup?, which is better? and the difference is defense vs critical strike, so if i have 80k defense do i need or does more critical strike helps? like more than 81k. I’m still a lot to upgrade
For TOMM the stat caps are 80K, so more than that is a waste.
From everything that I have read the pup is best in slot to have out due to the power bonus once you have it to legendary and your 15% bolster you will then be able to make up any stats your lacking in gems and equipment. For now to make up some of my defensive stats I’ve had to use a defensive equipment just to keep my defensive stats from struggling too much. Until my character is done with all the grinding I did not take the bloodspliter feat as the heal is really useful especially in pugs were you… Read more »
Any Augment that gives Power could be the best. Bulette Pup, Quasit, Rat pup are all great depending on the stats you need besides power. Remember the only defensive stats you need as DPS are Hit Points and Defense.
I have both tenser disk and swarm on my barb which is better if you have 170k base power
How much power do you gain by activating Tenser’s?
Adding 13500 power from 170 000 base power will add 5% damage.
Hello great guide! Can I ask how you are able to reach 85k crit? I see you are using crit tomm ring for 20k, but no crit companion gear or crit companions. Are you getting a lot from enchants and insignias? Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks.
All my stats are from gear choices, Ebony shirt for example. All my enchants and insignias are Power only. The few Brutality insignias do give a little armor pen. I always try to use my boon points to balance my stats.
Thank you very much for the great work!
I just want to clarify didu say that the crit sec boon give -2% damage compared to the 8000 power boon
No, +2% depending on your current power/crit sev.
ok because it said +-2% just wanted to make sure
Hello, thank you it’s a very good build. Do you have an example of a good build for a barbar tank to TOMM?
Hi, thank you. My Barbarian is only for DPS, the only Tank I play is my Fighter.
Thanks for this set out of the Barbarian class. I must say this makes it a lot easier to understand, because i am struggling to get my Barbarian character better & stronger. Also i see in your credits you have a group of friends from South Africa, I’m also from South Africa. Do you maybe know if there is South African guilds? I would like to join them.
Thanks again for this set out. Its Awesome!!!
Hi Dian, we have a Discord and Teamspeak you could join as well as in game chat channel for South Africans. Look me up in game so I can hook you up.
Will do, Thanks a lot.
My @handle in game is @reeper#9973, send me a friend request or a message.
Thanx man. I sent you a friend request.
Hi. How are you capping your defense just with Slime companion?
I’m using Brutal Enchantment, Rank 15’s + Campaign Defense boon 5/5
Thoughts on Xuna?
Also if i were to run her, how should i build her? Ive heard some people say run empowereds etc and some have told me run indomitables for the companion bonus damage since hers is unreal
The Xuna companion is doing a lot of damage, but not more than you should be doing. Thus I would use Empowered Runestones. Capping your stats for Infernal Citadel might be tricky.
Hey i can’t find Out how to get the helmet fancy duelist mask of cormyr, so how do you get that?
It’s a hunt drop from Mod 18, or easier to get from Juma Bags.
what you mean with hunt drop?
Awesome, Will be great if you can add just the location for the Items (Armor, artifacts) sometimes is kind of hard to know, especially for new ones 🙁
Excellent guide! My build needs changing!
Your Feats are the same for Mob Mashing as they are for Boss Bashing?
No Hidden Daggers? Was this nerfed or something, as I recall people saying it was good for buffing dps?
Some Barbarian builds uses the “Not so Fast” + “Trample of the Fallen” setup for mobs and bosses. That build has far less damage output potential, thus I never use the Feat called “Relentless Speed”. The other Feats doesn’t give much to choose from, even “Steel Slam” is usable on some Boss fights since they spawn a lot of ads.
Hidden daggers are truly terrible since Mod 16.
Thanks for the reply and the update! I was asking only this morning what I should use on Bosses, like Tiamat during double Tyrannies, and the answer is here!
Aren’t you missing out not using cavalry ‘s warning?
I don’t think missing out on 1000 stat points for 10 seconds is missing out on much, for a boss fight you will get a very small increase in damage output.
You seem to have the wrong page here
I will be updating a few things in the guide for Mod 18 soon !
Which pet gives the option for potent precision? I can’t figure it out
This will help you with that:
Great thread, except for one minor (ish) issue. The Storyteller sets are unobtainable, and the Dev’s aren’t bringing them back unless they decide to vault them for a lockbox. And considering as to how invested to the community they are right now (which is none, because STO is being developed more thoroughly), OR you already have one, you are going to just be S.O.L.
The alternatives I mentioned is pretty much the only other real options right now.
Thanks for putting in the work on this guide ! Just started playing a Barb and this has been a big help.
Hi ty for the guide
So whats better atm compy or owlbear cub ?
Alpha Compy
Hos hou get the Alpha Compy.
How do u get the tamed v-raptor to give 10k power
At legendary quality it currently gives 10k power
Hehehe i really enjoy that ending. Also Thanku for a great guide. Ill set up my barbie and try it out. Yikes…No wonder i can’t dps the way i play him now. I got the rotation all wrong hehe. Also want to give u tumbs up for the dps u do in tomm. that shit is impressive man!
Thx mate. Don’t think I didn’t notice your CW increase his DPS, even noticed the alpha compy 😛
Thank you very much for the build, I wasnt aware of the Mightier Leap potential and actually pretty clueless about the possibilities maxing damage with at least small changes to focus build on mobs or bosses, also pretty cool to know the only deffensive stats that matter for ToMM are HP and Defense (I was going nuts trying to cap everything, except awereness). Our class feels so much nerfed compared to other dps classes, it feels good to know there are things to improove (at least for me). Also great to know there’s people playing, even though it’s on PC… Read more »
Can you confirm the demo lord set works or stacks with the tales set? I was told it no longer stacks or works together.
The Demon Lords’ set works exactly as intended. The Tales artifacts/set have different set bonuses, could explain what you mean?
Thanks a lot for this guide. I have run with Not so fast feat as i found it easy to manage but trying out the jump build at the moment. It’s really melting mobs regarding aoe but as I am a bit inexperienced in the jumping in and out I miss out a lot. Will probably improve with practice thou.
This guide is amazing! A lot of work went in to making a very useful guide. I especially appreciate your explanations for why you recommend things and also give alternatives if they make sense. Some of this is stuff I was already playing around with on my Barbarian and it is good to see I am doing some stuff right and also some great ideas for doing some stuff differently. Great job!
Thank you for making this guide! As a barb who returned to the game earlier this year I am always on the look out for guides that are up to date and actually explain the reasoning behind the choices – both of which you have done.
Thank you for taking the time to put out such an in depth guide. Your work is appreciated more than you know.
Has Trample the fallen been fixed? Been testing it on PS4 and feels like they still haven’t fixed it yet.
I think it’s working exactly as intended on PC, Just read the tooltip very carefully.
Thank you very much for this awesome guide.
I have one question, using Relentless slash at least for me with 160k power the ebonized breastplate never stacks more than 3-4 times, so i use Brash Strike to get my 10 stacks, but that leaves the question if it would be better to use another chest while i’m too low to get it to full stacks with Relentless slash, i’d like to hear what you think.
If you have this problem on boss fights make sure you are in position for Combat Advantage, without it gaining stacks will be hard. For mob fights it’s obviously even harder to reach stacks. If you cannot maintain 10 stacks with Ebony Chest during boss fights, then I would recommend using an alternative with a flat bonus damage %. I would stick to Relentless Slash no matter what, until they make our single target At-Wills stronger.
The problem with Brash Strike as I see it is that it doesn’t seem to benefit from Battlerage speed improvement, I also find it clumsy and slow amd hence I only use Relentless Slash. Could be I am wrong but what’s your opinion on this guys?
I had this issue until 145k pwr and also was using Brash Strike, however with 160k pwr you shouldnt have that issue, try unlocking bonus damage on your off-hand to get the extra 10% dmg on Relentless Slash and just try decreasing you HP. I still can’t do ToMM so I run everything else with 242~250K HP without any issues, at my current pwr (170k) my relentless slash easely hits above 30k and during the “frenzy” of battle I consistently reach 45k+ hits.